1. I declare that the information provided by me is correct in every detail and given freely by me. Should my details change I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Ontrak UK Ltd immediately.
  2. I authorise Ontrak UK Ltd to obtain references for the purpose of assignments and to give its clients information relating to the details I have provided.
  3. I authorise Ontrak UK Ltd to take up a CRB check for the purposes of assignments.
  4. I agree to follow all Health and Safety requirements set out by Ontrak UK Ltd and its clients.
  5. I agree to follow any procedures and rules set out by Ontrak UK Ltd and its clients.
  6. I confirm that if I am a working holiday maker or require a visa of any description to work within the UK, I will inform Ontrak UK Ltd if I am not entitled to work at any time.
  7. I will refund any payments received by me from Ontrak UK Ltd that are in excess of my entitlements and agree for Ontrak UK Ltd to deduct such payments from my final pay or any other monies due.
  8. If my engagement with Ontrak UK Ltd terminates, I understand that my paid annual leave will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
  9. I understand that the information I provided will be treated in confidence subject to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and that this information may be audited by an external auditing body or Ontrak UK Ltd client subject to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations.
  10. I confirm that I am happy to give full permission for Ontrak to use any photographs taken for use on Ontrak UK Ltd.’s Social Media, candidate communication, websites and all publications
  11. I confirm my agreement to waive the restrictions on the 48 hour average
  12. I have received vocational guidance (Under 18’s only)